Wednesday 27 August 2008

Axon the last mid-range SAP SI - GONE!

I was astounded to hear that Axon are in the process of being bought!
I see Axon as the last of the mid-sized SAP SI's (in a league with Xansa and Diagonal) and I feel that this will seriously impact the choice of the SAP customer.
The market will now be dominated by the big-boys who even though they have very different models (think Accenture and Infosys) will now be the only option for SAP implementations and will leave the customer to deal with a massive unweildy and frankly preditory partner.
I now see a very hard choice for the CIO of the medium sized SAP business, either rely on a big-bad-predatory SI or gamble on a much smaller niche supplier....... the options dont look good....
Do you think this polarisation of the market enhances or threatens the SAP market.....
I think its plain where I sit!

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