Wednesday 22 October 2008

Will mid-market SAP survive?

Recent information gathered from a few of my many contacts in the mid-market of SAP UK seem to imply that there is a reducing amount of work in the mid-market. Does this mean that SAP are not making their numbers in the mid-market – is the grand scheme of taking the mid-market not working.
Recent information points to several of the current SAP VAR's pulling out as they miss winning any level of sustainable business. And even more surprising, one of the mid-market support companies is now managed by the receiver.
What will SAP do when they see their channel to market reduce and their support functions that assist that channel disappear.
Watch the SAP mid-market, it could be disappearing before your eyes....

....and more consolidations

I know I have been harping in about consolidation, but it would seem that if you want to sell your SAP consulting business now is the time...... we are looking for SAP consulting businesses for no less than three SAP focussed businesses. It would seem that there is a race to fill the gap left by Axon, Xansa and Diagonal.
If you would even consider selling your business then please get in touch as we will do our best to match you with the right partner.
A great time to capitalise on all your hard work ....... maybe before it gets really tough out there.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Continuing consolidation of SAP service companies...

As the battle for the Axon rages, the continuing consolidation of the SAP market seems destined to continue.
I have talked to 2 of the small but fast growing SAP consultancies in the UK who are looking to make acquisitions in the near future, So who will fill the gap that Axon leaves, who will be the next mid-sized SAP SI which gives the SAP customers a realistic alternative to the big guys.
Currently no-one fills that spot but maybe you know someone who is destined to do just that...... I would be really interested in hearing your ideas; just post them here!